Demos & Samples
#autorotate filter is applied. Clear filter
B Filters and Transforms
B.05 Autorotate
Automatically rotates images based on EXIF orientation field. For JPEG images it uses lossless transform to prevent quality degradation.
A. Load and Save
A.01. Loading and Saving ImagesA.02. JPEG FormatA.03. Lossless JPEG TransformsA.04. TIFF FormatA.05. TIFF Extra ChannelsA.06. PNG FormatA.07. BMP FormatA.08. GIF FormatA.09. Animated GIFA.10. WebP FormatA.11. RAW FormatA.12. Extract TIFF Preview from EPSA.13. Writing EPS and PDFA.14. TGA FormatA.15. PNG NeuQuant