Demonstrates how to convert an image between different pixel formats (RGB, CMYK, indexed, black-white, extended precision per channel). Creates indexed PNG images optimized for web. Adds alpha channel to a bitmap.
Сonverts a non-RGB image (such as CMYK or grayscale) to a standard 8 bit per-channel RGB pixel format.
Illustrates how to convert an RGB image to CMYK with or without color management. Generates an RGB preview of this color conversion to display it on the screen.
Demonstrates how to work with color profile files, i.e. load them from images and separate files, append them to bitmaps, extract info from them.
Demonstrates how to convert CMYK/RGB images using different color management engines. LittleCMS and Adobe Color Management Module (CMM) are supported.
Explains how to work with image channels - split, combine or swap them. Find here how to add/remove alpha channel or make pixels of a given color transparent.
Converts an individual color between different color spaces with color management applied.
Demonstrates basics of image processing in Lab color space.
Demonstrates color proofing.
Converts pixels between two CMYK color spaces using device link color profiles - simplified color management technique which does not require converting colors to a device independent color space.