This documentation is for the old version. Go to the latest Graphics Mill docs

ISyncHandler.SynchronizationMode Property

Gets/sets synchronization mode for the object.

Namespace: Aurigma.GraphicsMill
Assembly: Aurigma.GraphicsMill (in Aurigma.GraphicsMill.dll)


Visual Basic
Property SynchronizationMode As SynchronizationMode
                SynchronizationMode SynchronizationMode { get; set; }

Property Value

Value that specifies the synchronization mode for the object.


Currently Graphics Mill for .NET provides the following synchronization options:

Mode Description
Synchronous mode Operation (and its event handlers) is running in the application main thread.
Common asynchronous mode Operation and its event handlers are running in the auxilary thread.
Asynchronous mode that uses main thread message loop Operation is running in the auxilary thread, but its event handlers are running in the application main thread.

See Also
