This class represents color value in CMYK color space.
Aurigma.GraphicsMill (in Aurigma.GraphicsMill.dll)
Public Class CmykColor _ Inherits Color
public class CmykColor : Color
To get access to cyan, magenta, yellow, and black component use C, M, Y, and K properties accordingly. Alpha channel is available through A property. Also there are extended versions of these properties (that returns 16-bit version of the component). These properties have a suffix 32 (e.g. C32, etc).
Also you can get components by index using GetChannel(Int32) method.
This class implements cast operator for other color types as well as for System.Drawing.Color. Note, when you convert colors, no color management is applied. To convert colors with color management, use ConvertColor(Color, ColorProfile) method of PixelFormatConverter class.