The ExifDictionary type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
ExifDictionary | Overloaded. Creates and initializes new empty ExifDictionary object. |
Name | Description | |
{dtor} |
Enables using delete operator in C++ applications. It is strongly not recommended to use it directly. |
Add | Overloaded. Adds some data to the dictionary. |
Clear |
Remove all items from the dictionary. (Inherited from MetadataDictionary.) |
Clone |
Returns a full copy of this ExifDictionary class instance. |
Contains |
Checks whether the dictionary contains an element with the specified key. (Inherited from MetadataDictionary.) |
CopyTo |
Copies the elements of the dictionary into the specified array beginning from specified index. (Inherited from MetadataDictionary.) |
Dispose |
Releases all resources used by this LockableObject. (Inherited from LockableObject.) |
Equals | (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetEnumerator | Overloaded. | |
GetHashCode | (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetItemArray |
Gets all items with the specified key. (Inherited from MetadataDictionary.) |
GetItemInfo |
Returns the information about the EXIF item by the key. |
GetItemString |
Gets a string representation of the item with the specified key. (Inherited from MetadataDictionary.) |
GetKeyDescription |
Returns textual description for the specified key. (Inherited from MetadataDictionary.) |
GetType | (Inherited from Object.) | |
Lock |
Locks the object. (Inherited from LockableObject.) |
MemberwiseClone | (Inherited from Object.) | |
Remove |
Removes the item with specified key. (Inherited from MetadataDictionary.) |
SetItemArray |
Sets multiple items at specified key. (Inherited from MetadataDictionary.) |
ToString | (Inherited from Object.) | |
Unlock |
Unlocks the object previously locked with method Lock(). (Inherited from LockableObject.) |
Name | Description | |
ApertureValue |
The lens aperture (in APEX units). |
Artist |
The name of photographer or image creator. |
BitsPerSample |
The number of bits per image component. |
BrightnessValue |
The brightness value (in APEX units). |
CfaPattern |
The color filter pattern. |
ColorSpace |
The color space of the image. |
ComponentsConfiguration |
The order of pixel channels (components). |
CompressedBitsPerPixel |
The number of bits per pixel in the compressed image. |
Compression |
The compression type. |
Contrast |
The contrast settings applied when images was captured. |
Copyright |
The copyright information. |
CustomRendered |
Value that indicates that special processing on image was applied. |
DateTime |
The date and time of image creation. |
DateTimeDigitized |
The date and time when the images was converted into digital representation. |
DateTimeOriginal |
The date and time of the original file was created. |
DeviceSettingDescription |
The description of the image capturing device settings. |
DigitalZoomRatio |
The digital zoom ratio. |
ExifVersion |
The version of the EXIF specification this data is stored at. |
ExposureBiasValue |
The exposure bias (in APEX units). |
ExposureIndex |
The exposure index of the device when image is being captured. |
ExposureMode |
The exposure mode. |
ExposureProgram |
The exposure program. |
ExposureTime |
The exposure time (in seconds). |
FileSource |
The image source. |
Flash |
The flash status. |
FlashEnergy |
The flash energy (in BCPS). |
FlashPixVersion |
The version of FlashPix format. |
FNumber |
The F number. |
FocalLength |
The focal length of the lens (in millimeters). |
FocalLengthIn35mmFilm |
The focal length of the lens assuming 35mm film camera (in millimeters). |
FocalPlaneResolutionUnit |
The unit to measure focal plane resolution with (i.e. FocalPlaneXResolution and FocalPlaneYResolution). |
FocalPlaneXResolution |
The horizontal resolution of the camera focal plane. |
FocalPlaneYResolution |
The vertical resolution of the camera focal plane. |
GainControl |
The overall image gain adjustment. |
GpsAltitude |
The altitude. |
GpsAltitudeRef |
The altitude reference. |
GpsAreaInformation |
The name of GPS area. |
GpsDateStamp |
The GPS datestamp. |
GpsDestBearing |
The bearing to the destination point (in degrees). |
GpsDestBearingRef |
The reference for giving the bearing to the destination point. |
GpsDestDistance |
The distance to the destination point. |
GpsDestDistanceRef |
The unit for distance to the destination point. |
GpsDestLatitude |
The destination point latitude. |
GpsDestLatitudeRef |
The destination point latitude reference (north or south). |
GpsDestLongitude |
The destination point longitude. |
GpsDestLongitudeRef |
The destination point longitude reference (west or east). |
GpsDifferential |
The GPS differencial correction. |
GpsDop |
The GPS data degree of precision. |
GpsImgDirection |
The direction of the image when it was captured (in degrees). |
GpsImgDirectionRef |
The reference for giving the direction of the image when it was captured. |
GpsLatitude |
The latitude. |
GpsLatitudeRef |
The latitude reference (north or south). |
GpsLongitude |
The longitude. |
GpsLongitudeRef |
The longitude reference (west or east). |
GpsMapDatum |
The geodetic survey data. |
GpsMeasureMode |
The GPS measurement mode. |
GpsProcessingMethod |
The name of GPS processing method. |
GpsSatellites |
The details about GPS sattelites used in measurement. |
GpsSpeed |
The speed of the GPS receiver movement. |
GpsSpeedRef |
The Unit for speed of movement of GPS receiver. |
GpsStatus |
The status of GPS receiver when image was recorded. |
GpsTimeStamp |
The GPS timestamp (in UTC). |
GpsTrack |
The direction of GPS receiver movement (in degrees). |
GpsTrackRef |
The reference for giving the direction of GPS receiver movement. |
GpsVersionId |
The version of the GPSVersionID tag. |
ImageDescription |
The title of the image. |
ImageLength |
The height of the image in pixels. |
ImageUniqueId |
The 128-bit unique ID of the image. |
ImageWidth |
The width of the image in pixels. |
InteroperabilityIndex |
The index of interoperability rule. |
IsoSpeedRatings |
The ISO speed and the ISO latitude of the device. |
LightSource |
The light source. |
Make |
The name of manufacturer of the camera (or other recording equipment). |
MakerNote |
The custom comments. May contain any information maker want to store. |
MaxApertureValue |
The smallest F of the lens (in APEX units). |
MeteringMode |
The metering mode. |
Model |
The name of the model of the camera (or other recording equipment). |
Oecf |
The opto-electronic conversion function. |
Orientation |
The orientation of image (how it is rotated relatively top left corner). |
PhotometricInterpretation |
The pixel composition. |
PixelXDimension |
The valid width of the meaningful image. |
PixelYDimension |
The valid height of the meaningful image. |
PlanarConfiguration |
The planar configuration of the pixel components (planar or chunky). |
PrimaryChromaticities |
The chromaticity of the three primary colors of the image. |
ReferenceBlackWhite |
The reference for black and white point of the image. |
RelatedSoundFile |
The name of an audio file associated with this image. |
ResolutionUnit |
The unit image resolution is measured at (i.e. XResolution and YResolution). |
RowsPerStrip |
Rows per strip (if image is divided into strips). |
SamplesPerPixel |
The number of components (channels) in one pixel. |
Saturation |
The saturation settings applied when images was captured. |
SceneCaptureType |
The type of scene was captured by camera (landscape, night scene, portrait, etc). |
SceneType |
The type of scene. |
SensingMethod |
The sensor type of the device. |
Sharpness |
The sharpness settings applied when images was captured. |
ShutterSpeedValue |
The shutter speed (in APEX units). |
Software |
The name of the software that created this image. |
SpatialFrequencyResponse |
The spatial frequency response values. |
SpectralSensitivity |
The spectral sensitivity. |
StripByteCounts |
The total number of bytes in one strip. |
StripOffsets |
The bitmap stride (byte offset between strips). |
SubjectArea |
The subject area. |
SubjectDistance |
The distance to the subject (in meters). |
SubjectDistanceRange |
The kind of distance to the subject (macro, close, or distant). |
SubjectLocation |
The location of the main subject in the scene. |
SubSecTime |
The fractions of seconds for DateTime field. |
SubSecTimeDigitized |
The fractions of seconds for DateTimeDigitized field. |
SubSecTimeOriginal |
The fractions of seconds for DateTimeOriginal field. |
Thumbnail |
The image thumbnail. |
ThumbnailBitsPerSample |
The number of bits per channel in the thumbnail. |
ThumbnailCompression |
The compression type of the thumbnail. |
ThumbnailLength |
The height of the thumbnail in pixel. |
ThumbnailOrientation |
The orientation of the thumbnail (how it is rotated relatively top left corner). |
ThumbnailPhotometricInterpretation |
The pixel composition of the thumbnail. |
ThumbnailResolutionUnit |
The unit thumbnail resolution is measured at (i.e. ThumbnailXResolution and ThumbnailYResolution). |
ThumbnailRowsPerStrip |
Rows per strip at the thumbnail (if thumbnail is divided into strips). |
ThumbnailSamplesPerPixel |
The number of components (channels) in one pixel of the thumbnail. |
ThumbnailStripByteCounts |
The total number of bytes in one strip of the thumbnail. |
ThumbnailStripOffsets |
The thumbnail stride (byte offset between strips). |
ThumbnailWidth |
The width of the thumbnail in pixels. |
ThumbnailXResolution |
The horizontal resolution of the thumbnail. |
ThumbnailYCbCrPositioning |
YCbCr positioning of the thumbnail. |
ThumbnailYCbCrSubSampling |
YCbCr subsampling of the thumbnail. |
ThumbnailYResolution |
The vertical resolution of the thumbnail. |
TransferFunction |
The transfer function in tabular form. |
UserComment |
The additional comments or keywords on the image available for users. |
WhiteBalance |
The mode of the white balance when the image was captured. |
WhitePoint |
The white point of the image. |
XResolution |
The horizontal resolution of the image. |
YCbCrCoefficients |
The coefficients used during the transformation between RGB and YCbCr color spaces. |
YCbCrPositioning |
The position of chrominance components relatively luminosity component. |
YCbCrSubSampling |
Sampling ratio of the chrominance components relatively luminosity component. |
YResolution |
The vertical resolution of the image. |
Name | Description | |
Count |
Gets number of items in the dictionary. (Inherited from MetadataDictionary.) |
IsDisposed | (Inherited from LockableObject.) | |
IsFixedSize |
Indicates whether the dictionary has a fixed size. (Inherited from MetadataDictionary.) |
IsReadOnly |
Indicates whether the dictionary is a read-only. (Inherited from MetadataDictionary.) |
IsSynchronized |
Indicates whether the dictionary is synchronized. (Inherited from MetadataDictionary.) |
Item |
Gets/sets item with the specified key. (Inherited from MetadataDictionary.) |
Keys |
Returns a collection of keys stored in this dictionary. (Inherited from MetadataDictionary.) |
Locked |
Indicates if the object has been locked. (Inherited from LockableObject.) |
SyncRoot |
Gets an object for synchronized access. (Inherited from MetadataDictionary.) |
Timeout |
Gets/sets value specifying maximum time for which object can be locked. (Inherited from LockableObject.) |
Values |
Returns a collection of values (without keys) stored in this dictionary. (Inherited from MetadataDictionary.) |