TransformsProvider.Resize Method

Resizes the bitmap.

Overload List

Name Description
Public method Resize(Size)

Resizes the bitmap to the specified dimensions.

Public method Resize(Size, ResizeInterpolationMode)

Resizes the bitmap to the specified dimensions using a given interpolation algorithm.

Public method Resize(Size, ResizeMode)

Resizes the bitmap to the specified dimensions using a given resize mode.

Public method Resize(Int32, Int32)

Resizes the bitmap to the specified dimensions.

Public method Resize(Size, ResizeInterpolationMode, ResizeMode)

Resizes the bitmap to the specified dimensions using a given interpolation algorithm and resize mode.

Public method Resize(Int32, Int32, ResizeInterpolationMode)

Resizes the bitmap to the specified dimensions using a given interpolation algorithm.

Public method Resize(Int32, Int32, ResizeMode)

Resizes the bitmap to the specified dimensions using a given resize mode.

Public method Resize(Int32, Int32, ResizeInterpolationMode, ResizeMode)

Resizes the bitmap to the specified dimensions using a given interpolation algorithm and resize mode.

See Also
