TransformsProvider Methods

The TransformsProvider type exposes the following members.


Name Description
Public method AddNoise Overloaded.

Applies a noise effect to the bitmap.

Public method ApplyBezier Overloaded.

Applies a warp transformation based on Bezier surface.

Applies a warp transformation based on Bezier surface.

Public method ApplyMatrix Overloaded.

Applies a linear transformation of the bitmap (based on specified matrix).

Public method AutoCrop Overloaded.

Removes a border around an image in the automatic mode.

Public method Blur

Applies a blur effect to the bitmap.

Public method Crop Overloaded.

Crops the bitmap using specified rectangle.

Public method Cylindrize Overloaded.

Applies a cylindrize transformation on the bitmap.

Public method EdgeDetect

Outlines edges of the bitmap.

Public method Emboss Overloaded.

Applies an emboss effect on the bitmap.

Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method Flip

Flips the bitmap.

Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public method Invert

Inverts all colors in an image.

Public method Maximum

Applies a maximum filter (also known as erosion) to the bitmap.

Public method Median

Applies a median filter to the bitmap.

Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public method Minimum

Applies a minimum filter (also known as dilation) to the bitmap.

Public method Mosaic Overloaded.

Applies a mosaic effect on the bitmap using the spelcified cell size.

Public method RemoveGreenScreen Overloaded.
Public method Resize Overloaded.

Resizes the bitmap.

Public method Rotate Overloaded.

Rotates the bitmap at arbitrary angle.

Public method Shadow Overloaded.

Applies a shadow effect to the bitmap.

Public method Sharpen

Applies a simple sharpening algorithm to the bitmap.

Public method SmartBlur
Public method Spray Overloaded.

Applies a spray effect to the bitmap using the specified amount.

Public method StackBlur
Public method Texturize Overloaded.

Texturizes the bitmap by reducing its size and "gluing" it with its copies seamlessly.

Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)
Public method Transparentize Overloaded.

Sets alpha values of pixels to transparent.

Sets alpha values of white pixels to transparent.

Sets alpha values of pixels with a background color to transparent.

Public method UnsharpMask

Increases a sharpness of the bitmap by using the unsharp mask technique.

See Also
