This documentation is for the old version. Go to the latest Graphics Mill docs

VObjectsRubberband Properties

The VObjectsRubberband type exposes the following members.


Name Description
Protected property CanRaiseEvents (Inherited from Component.)
Public property CanRedo

Indicates if the last reverted action can be redone.

Public property CanUndo

Indicates if the last action can be undone.

Public property Container (Inherited from Component.)
Public property CurrentDesigner

Gets/sets the currently active designer.

Public property CurrentLayer

Gets/sets the currently selected layer.

Public property CurrentLayerIndex

Gets/sets the index of the currently selected layer.

Public property DefaultDesigner

Gets the default designer associated with the host object.

Public property DesignerOptions

Gets options available to all designers.

Protected property DesignMode (Inherited from Component.)
Protected property Events (Inherited from Component.)
Public property HostViewer

Gets a reference to a currently used viewer control.

Public property Layers

Returns the layer collection of a rubberband.

Public property MaxUndoStepCount

Gets/sets a maximum number of available undo steps (levels).

Public property MultipleVObjectsTransformationEnabled

Gets/sets a value indicating if a multiple selection can only be dragged.

Public property MultiSelect

Gets/sets a value indicating whether multiple items can be selected.

Public property RedoStepCount

Gets the number of available redo steps (levels).

Public property ResizeProportionallyWithShift

Gets/sets a value indicating if v-objects should be resized proportionally when the user holds the SHIFT key.

Public property Site (Inherited from Component.)
Public property UndoRedoEnabled

Enables or disables the undo/redo functionality.

Public property UndoRedoTrackingEnabled

Enables or disables the automatic change tracking.

Public property UndoStepCount

Gets the number of available undo steps (levels).

See Also
