WebPReader Properties

The WebPReader type exposes the following members.


Name Description
Public property AdobeResources

Gets Adobe® image resource blocks from the image.

(Inherited from ImageReader.)
Public property BackgroundColor

Gets or sets the default background color of the canvas.

Public property ClippingPaths

Gets a collection of clipping paths from the image.

(Inherited from ImageReader.)
Public property CloseOnDispose

Gets or sets if the reader should be closed before disposing.

(Inherited from ImageReader.)
Public property ColorProfile

Gets a color profile associated with the image.

(Inherited from ImageReader.)
Public property DpiX

Gets an entire horizontal resolution of the image.

(Inherited from ImageReader.)
Public property DpiY

Gets an entire vertical resolution of the image.

(Inherited from ImageReader.)
Public property Exif

Gets EXIF data collection from the image.

(Inherited from ImageReader.)
Public property FileFormat

Gets the format of the image.

(Inherited from ImageReader.)
Public property Frames

Gets a collection of WebPFrame.

Public property Height

Gets an entire WebP image height.

(Overrides ImageReader.Height.)
Public property Id

Gets or sets a unique identifier of this PipelineElement.

(Inherited from PipelineElement.)
Public property Ink

Gets ink characteristics of a spot color of the image.

(Inherited from ImageReader.)
Public property Iptc

Gets IPTC data collection from the image.

(Inherited from ImageReader.)
Public property IsOpened

Gets a value indicating whether the reader is opened.

(Inherited from ImageReader.)
Public property Palette

Gets a palette associated with the opened image.

(Inherited from ImageReader.)
Public property PixelFormat

Gets a pixel format of the opened image.

(Inherited from ImageReader.)
Public property PlaybackCount

Gets a number of times to play the WebP image.

Public property Receivers

Gets a collection of pipeline elements that will receive the result of this PipelineElement.

(Inherited from PipelineElement.)
Public property Size

Gets an entire image size.

(Inherited from ImageReader.)
Public property SupportedPixelFormats

Gets a collection of pixel formats that are supported by this PipelineElement.

(Inherited from PipelineElement.)
Public property Width

Gets an entire WebP image width.

(Overrides ImageReader.Width.)
Public property Xmp

Gets the XML code containing the XMP metadata from the image.

(Inherited from ImageReader.)

See Also
