The ImageReader type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
AdobeResources |
Gets Adobe® image resource blocks from the image. |
ClippingPaths |
Gets a collection of clipping paths from the image. |
CloseOnDispose |
Gets or sets if the reader should be closed before disposing. |
ColorProfile |
Gets a color profile associated with the image. |
DpiX |
Gets an entire horizontal resolution of the image. |
DpiY |
Gets an entire vertical resolution of the image. |
Exif |
Gets EXIF data collection from the image. |
FileFormat |
Gets the format of the image. |
Frames |
Gets a collection of frames of the opened image. |
Height |
Gets an entire image height. |
Id |
Gets or sets a unique identifier of this PipelineElement. (Inherited from PipelineElement.) |
Ink |
Gets ink characteristics of a spot color of the image. |
Iptc |
Gets IPTC data collection from the image. |
IsOpened |
Gets a value indicating whether the reader is opened. |
Palette |
Gets a palette associated with the opened image. |
PixelFormat |
Gets a pixel format of the opened image. |
Receivers |
Gets a collection of pipeline elements that will receive the result of this PipelineElement. (Inherited from PipelineElement.) |
Size |
Gets an entire image size. |
SupportedPixelFormats |
Gets a collection of pixel formats that are supported by this PipelineElement. (Inherited from PipelineElement.) |
Width |
Gets an entire image width. |
Xmp |
Gets the XML code containing the XMP metadata from the image. |