Server License Process

Case ID:
Gary Medina
Support rep:
Dmitry Korobitsyn
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Dmitry Korobitsyn, 9/9/2022 5:46 AM

Thank you for the feedback. I will forward it to our technical writer.

Should you have any questions do not hesitate to ask.

Best regards,
Dmitriy Korobitsyn.
Gary Medina, 9/8/2022 7:08 PM
I have successfully installed the license on the server and built a test app. You really need to change your website license. The term "also" is defined as In addition to. So when you are saying "In the development time, each Standard License also allows using the Product on a single developer's machine by a single developer." you are legally stating IN ADDITION TOO that is more than one.

This process of developing on the server is a bit of a pain. I am very glad you have a 30-day Money Back Guarantee because I am pretty sure this will not work out. Unless you can provide a solution for my development machine at little or no cost.

Thanks for your help
Dmitry Korobitsyn, 9/8/2022 12:11 PM

As a production server we understand a server where you are going to deploy you application. It is a Web Server Hosting a web application in your definition. You should have server GM license to deploy web application that uses GM library.

Your local machine where you developing the application we call developer machine. You should have development license to develop an application uses GM library.

Server license should be activated with activation code collected from your server.

Development license does not need any activation and can be used on any development machine. For development license there is a limitation of how many developers can use the license simultaneously.

Should you have any questions do not hesitate to ask.

Best regards,
Dmitriy Korobitsyn.
Gary Medina, 9/8/2022 10:15 AM
Hi Dimitri,

I may have just discovered a communication breakdown here. When I am referring to a server I am referring to a Web Server Hosting a web application. I am not talking about a Development server or a Production server.

I am only developing on my local machine and deploying to a web host. 

I will read through this but please let me know if this changes the activation process.

Dmitry Korobitsyn, 9/8/2022 9:44 AM
Hello Gary,

Server license should be activated in the server machine.

Here is the article about how to start working with license:
You need to get an Activation code from your server using the Graphics Mill License Manager.
Then you should find non activated license in your account on, and activate it using the Activation code.
After that you get activated license key that can be used on your server.

I hope it helps.

Should you have any questions do not hesitate to ask.

Best regards,
Dmitriy Korobitsyn.
Gary Medina, 9/8/2022 9:26 AM
Hi Anthony,

I am not trying to develop a desktop application. I am developing a Server application. In almost all server application scenarios the development environment does not reside on a server. The development is done on a local machine, tested, and uploaded to a server. 

This process has been identified in the license as stated: "In the development time, each Standard License also allows using the Product on a single developer's machine by a single developer."

So in my initial question asking for support. Does the license get activated on the server or development machine? What is the process?

Thanks again,
Anthony Ilinykh, 9/8/2022 8:04 AM
Hello Gary,

Anthony here, the head of the sales team. 

As you can see on our website, a server license license a server, whereas a developer license license a developer or QA specialist.

According to our CRM data you were given the same answer on 08/15/202 via email by Svetlana. Here is a quote: "You can't build a desktop application using the Server license. So if you need to compile both desktop and server applications then you need to obtain both Developer (desktop) and Server licenses."

This is our policy which is stated on the website and our reps gave you a written consultation before you made the purchase.  

Gary Medina, 9/7/2022 11:46 AM
Hello Svatlana,

Your quoted statement does not exist anywhere in the licensing terms. Please escalate this to someone who read and knows the terms.

Thank you,
Svetlana Sharavina, 9/7/2022 4:43 AM
Hello Gary,

My name is Svetlana, I’m a sales at Aurigma team.

The paragraph 2 depicts the difference between Trial, Standard and Multiple Licenses. When Standard License in opposite to Multiple License scenario, you, as a single developer, are allowed to use either one desktop computer or/and a single server machine to build your solution, otherwise it's considered as a Multiple License. 

The sentence you mention is applied to any machine that is in operation of a developer. In your case, you're operating two machines, that is desktop and server. 

Thus, you need to purchase a developer license in addition to a server license to develop a server application. It is also stated on a product page where you made the purchase.

A developer license is required per each programmer/QA specialist in a project

In this case, I should say that yes, all the users that needed a server license to develop a server app purchased a one more required license.

Gary Medina, 9/6/2022 1:15 PM
What's to discuss? It's in writing on your website (screenshot taken for dispute)? Are you saying you have charged everyone who purchased a license for another license to develop with and there is no procedure?
Dmitry Korobitsyn, 9/6/2022 11:50 AM

I will discuss it with sales manager and get back to you in 24 hours.

Best regards,
Dmitriy Korobitsyn.
Gary Medina, 9/6/2022 11:38 AM

This is incorrect. Please refer to your page here

It clearly states in paragraph 2 of Standard License "In the development time, each Standard License also allows using the Product on a single developer's machine by a single developer."

I am a single developer using a single developers machine.

Thank you,
Dmitry Korobitsyn, 9/6/2022 11:26 AM
Hello Gary,

The Server license should be used on your production server. 
For developing purposes you should use Developer license. 
A developer license is required per each programmer/QA specialist in a project.
As you purchase server license with Photoshop files support you probably need the dev license with Photoshop files support.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Best regards,
Dmitriy Korobitsyn.
Gary Medina, 9/6/2022 11:13 AM

I just purchased a Server License and I am unclear about to the activation process. The server will host the working application but since the applications are not developed on the server does the license get activated on my development machine?
